Our approach has at the epicentre of its scope to equip Retailers and their associates with the tools, improved skills and behaviours required to address current and future trends, and assist them achieve their corporate goals. Besides, it is our goal to add value to our prospects by delivering tangible results and knowhow.

The services that Apricot Consulting Ltd can design and deliver to Retailers include:

  • Corporate strategy development
  • Functional strategy
  • Portfolio optimization
  • Standardization of Operation Procedures
  • People Development
  • Joint Business Planning
  • Understanding shopper’s behaviour at the point of purchase


Corporate strategy development

What we do

Apricot Consulting’s experienced retail professionals identify the most challenging opportunities and areas of improvement in order to deliver sustainable competitive advantage and ready to use solutions. The services we can provide in the area of corporate strategy include:

  • Market analysis including competition and value chain analysis
  • Analysis of the shopping experience and price positioning
  • Marketing, Merchandising, Buying, HR and Retail operations strategies
  • Format excellence

Functional Strategy

What we do

The areas that we can support retailers as far as functional strategy are:

  • Benchmark retailer’s performance towards national or international standards
  • Retail metrics
  • Development of strategies per function
  • Tactics per function

Portfolio Optimization

 What we do

We can offer to retailers the following services in reference to Portfolio Optimization:

  • Strategic review of current portfolio
  • Portfolio profitability mapping
  • Action plan for selected SKUs

Standardization of Operation Procedures (SOP’s)

What we do

Our team can provide its services in

  • Standardization of operation procedures for retails stores
  • Standardization of operation procedures for Warehouses
  • Standardization of operation procedures for Buying


People Development

What we do

At Apricot by following the three-step process marked in bold in the figure below (the

HPI model) we can provide high quality services in people development:

  • Assessment centers
  • Training needs analysis
  • Development of performance appraisal system
  • Delivery of bespoke training for Commercial and HR skills


Joint Business Planning

What we do

We can train and consult Retailer’s Buying team how to use Joint Business Planning in collaboration with major suppliers.


Understanding shopper’s behaviour at the point of purchase

Discovering the elements of a marketing mix that affects positive change in shopper behaviour and drives consumption is one of the targets that marketers have either from the retailer’s or manufacturer’s side. Apart from that, taking a deep look at how your target consumers behave when shopping would be really valuable combined with information about 

  • Which flow shoppers follow in the aisle or a specific category
  • What is attracting consumer’s eye while in-store
  • Which areas are the best to promote your brands
  • How P.O.S. is working from the shopper’s standpoint
  • Are your brands seen from shoppers and is it creating any interest for purchase from their side?
  • Why shoppers ignore your brands in favor of your competitors
  • Why shoppers interact with a category but don’t purchase from the category
  • Is promotion material like gondola ends working or missed by shoppers?

What we do

We can run a shopper’s research called Eyetracking at one of your stores, in order to figure out shopper’s behaviour at the point of purchase.