Apricot Consulting Ltd recognises that in our society groups and individuals have been, and continue to be, discriminated against on the grounds of race; culture; gender; religious belief; responsibility for dependants; disability; sexual orientation; physical and / or mental health; marital status; financial status; HIV status; employment status; age; geographical location or physical appearance.

Apricot Consulting is committed to building an organisation that makes full use of the talents, skills, experience, and different cultural perspectives available in a multi-ethnic society, and where people feel they are respected and valued, and can achieve their potential.

Apricot Consulting Ltd is actively committed to oppose all forms of discrimination. The company will introduce measures to combat all direct and indirect discrimination to ensure that no client, employee, associate, supplier or visitor experiences discrimination on any grounds.

Apricot Consulting Ltd intends to ensure that Equal Opportunities become a reality and not simply a paper commitment, and by implementing a programme of positive action, we aim to challenge discrimination both within and beyond the company, to make this policy fully effective. This policy applies to all aspects of employment, from recruitment to dismissal and former workers’ rights to ensure that:

– No one receives less favourable treatment, or is disadvantaged by any conditions, requirements, provisions, criteria, procedures or practices that cannot be justified, or victimised for taking action for incidents of discrimination or harassment, or instructed or put under pressure to discriminate against, or harass anyone on any grounds.

– The organisation is free of unwanted conduct that violates the dignity of workers or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, offensive or humiliating environment.

– Opportunities for employment, training and promotion are equally open to candidates from all groups in society.

– Selection for employment, promotion, transfer and training, and access to benefits, facilities and services, will be fair and equitable, and based solely on merit.

Responsibilities of Apricot Consulting Ltd:

– Promote equal opportunities for all

– Promote diversity, identity and choice to create a culture of respect for everyone

– Make available this policy to all individuals and groups who work with, for and on behalf of the company

– Ensure the language of all literature produce by the company is non-discriminatory and adheres to this policy

– Ensure all policies and practices of Apricot Consulting Ltd recognise and adhere to the policy

– To examine, review and monitor this policy and its effect regularly, and to make any necessary changes to practice or policy

– To ensure that no client, employee, associate, supplier or visitor is discriminated against in any way

– To endeavour to meet the needs of all clients, employees, associates, suppliers, and visitors, taking into account their mobility and other needs

– To work towards a balanced representation in the company

– To meet the needs of people with responsibilities for dependants wherever possible

–  Where possible, to promote positive non-stereotypical images of groups and individuals who experience discrimination in an attempt to raise awareness and break down barriers

– Listen and respond to complaints and suggestions pertaining to this policy

Responsibilities of Employees and Associates:

– Co-operate fully with the Equal Opportunities Policy

– Not discriminate or encourage others to discriminate

– Sexist, racist, homophobic, or otherwise discriminatory language is not acceptable

– Not to physically or emotionally harass, abuse or intimidate others

– Report all breaches of this policy to Apricot Consulting’s Board of Directors

Apricot Consulting Ltd takes the following steps to put the policy into practice and make sure it is achieving its ends:

– The policy will be a priority for the organisation

– Spiros Kourkoulos (MD) will be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the policy

– The policy will be communicated to all workers and job applicants, and will be placed on the Company’s intranet and website

– All workers will be informed of the policy; on their rights and responsibilities under the policy, and on how the policy will affect the way they carry out their duties. No one will be in any doubt about what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable conduct in the organisation. The policy will form part of the conditions of their employment

– Complaints about discrimination or harassment in the course of employment will be regarded seriously, and may result in disciplinary sanctions, and even dismissal.

– Opportunities for employment, promotion, transfer and training will be advertised widely, internally and externally, and all applicants will be welcomed

– All workers will be encouraged to develop their skills and qualifications, and to take advantage of promotion and development opportunities in the organisation

– Selection criteria will be entirely related to the job or training opportunity

– Requirements, conditions, provisions, criteria and practices will be reviewed regularly, in the light of the monitoring results, and revised if they are found to, or have the potential to, discriminate unlawfully on any grounds

– All contracts between the Company and contractors to supply goods, materials or services will where relevant include a clause prohibiting unlawful discrimination or harassment by contractors and their staff, and by any sub-contractors and their staff. The clause will also encourage contractors and potential contractors to provide equality of opportunity in their employment practices

– Customers and clients will be made aware of the policy, and of their right to fair and equal treatment